Pothos Ivy:
Requires minimal care and can survive in many different lighting conditions. It does best with some light and acts as an air purifier by removing toxins from household materials.
Areca Palm (Butterfly Palm):
Filters out harsh chemicals including acetone, xylene, and toluene. These chemicals are commonly found in nail polish, detergents, wood cleaners, gasoline, and cosmetics.
Removes formaldehyde from the air which can be found in building materials and is threatening when inhaled for a long period of time.
Rubber Plant:
They use their large leaves to absorb harsh chemicals like a sponge and break them down. They also purify the air and can even convert carbon monoxide into breathable oxygen.
Peace Lily:
Absorbs mold spores and can improve air quality by 60%. They are great in areas with high humidity.
Removes formaldehyde, benzene, trichloroethylene, and carbon dioxide from the air and is one of the most effective plants at acting as an air filter. They also increase the humidity of a room which is great for dry climates.
Snake Plant:
Absorbs carbon monoxide, benzene, formaldehyde, and other harsh chemicals. It also produces oxygen, removes CO2 at night, and can improve the air quality caused by airborne allergens.
Boston Fern:
A natural air purifier and restores moisture in the air. This plant is great for those with dry skin and who live in dry and harsh climates.
Aloe Vera:
Acts as a natural air purifier and removes formaldehyde and benzene from the air. The gel inside the plant is a natural healer and soother for sunburns and skin conditions.
English Ivy:
Can help people with breathing difficulties by stimulating the mucus glands and it contains expectorant properties. The plant has been used medicinally to reduce airway swelling, improve lung health, liver disorders, and spleen disorders.
Spider Plant:
Acts as an air purifier and removes ammonia, benzene, formaldehyde, and xylene from the air. It has also been found to improve air quality in a room by 90% in just two days.
Bamboo Plant:
Bamboo can effectively remove formaldehyde, benzene, and trichloroethylene from the air. All these toxins can be detrimental to our health and can be found in many materials around the home.
Dwarf Date Palm:
Known for its ability to remove airborne chemicals. It is very effective at removing xylene from the air which is a common ingredient in solvents and cleaners.
Ficus Alii:
This plant removes chemical vapors from the air and can grow easily indoors. For best growth, the Ficus Alii needs a humid environment with full or partial sunlight.