Dandelion recently posted a breakdown of what an average homeowner in New York can expect to spend and save with this new system if purchased outright:
”A Dandelion geothermal system, which provides year-round heating and air conditioning in a single unit, will use just $123 per month, or $1,480 per year in electricity. That’s a savings of $195 per month, or $2,340 per year on heating and cooling a home–roughly 61 percent cheaper than a conventional system.
If paid-outright for $20,000, the system will pay for itself in roughly eight and a half years.”
But Financing is also an option:
“Financing the system means paying nothing upfront, but instead just $135 per month in loan payments. Bundling a monthly loan cost with normal operating costs (above), the system will cost an average of $258 per month, or $3,100 per year to operate.
Compared to an old system (which cost $318 per month to operate), it saves $60 per month, or $720 per year heating and cooling her home–savings of nearly 20 percent. And since financing eliminates the upfront payment, the savings are immediate. “
All in All:
20% is a pretty good value, and with a solar system, the electricity portion is covered, making it an even better deal. We’re passionate about renewable energy, and solar power. Geothermal heating and cooling systems offer excellent ways to make homes and properties more sustainable, and help to reduce burning fossil fuels. When coupled with a solar system, you’re harnessing the sun to power your home. Solar and Geothermal are a perfect match, and a sure sign of a bright future.
To read more about Dandelion’s exciting new offering, check out their recent press release
and their savings breakdown